Tidy Towns “Operation Transformation”

Greystones Tidy Towns is launching its very own “Operation Transformation – Transform Our Town, Environment & Bins”. The new year has just started and following on from our first meeting, we are looking for ideas from local people as to what they think needs to be done in the town and in their own areas. We are also looking to make people more environmentally aware and would love to hear from residents about what they are doing to help protect our planet. Climate change is not going to just go away if we do not get involved.
Graffiti Alert. If you see graffiti anywhere around the town or backstreets contact us via our facebook page and we will tackle it as quickly as possible. Let’s stamp it out.
Beautify our Town. If there are any areas around the town that you think could do with a makeover i.e. create a plant bed, plant some trees or a litter black spot again contact us via facebook.
Dog Fouling. Let’s stamp this out. We will be launching an Anti-Dog Fouling Campaign in the near future. We want to make all dog owners aware that it is their responsibility to pick up and dispose properly the dog waste.
Sponsor a Project. If there are people/businesses out there who would like to come on board as a sponsor you can reach us via our facebook or email to info@greystonestidytowns.ie.

The 3 R’s……REDUCE…REUSE…RECYCLE….Cannot be emphasized enough. This year however we would also like to tackle the issue of food waste. There is always a lot of talk around Christmas about how to use up leftover turkey. Leftover food doesn’t just happen at Christmas, it happens in most houses on a regular basis. Greystones Tidy Towns would like to start an online “recipe book” with your help which we will feature  on our  website . Email us on info@greystonestidytowns.ie your recipes & photos if possible, for using up left overs and together we can all cut down of food waste and save money in the process. We might even be able to offer regular prizes for the best recipe. It’s a Win-Win all around.
It’s not rocket science. It all starts with very small things. Everyone can do it, old or young. Be more aware about what you are doing i.e. walking/cycling to school or shops, turning off lights & using energy efficient light bulbs, water conservation, using natural products instead of chemicals, recycling, creating habitats for wildlife. Lots of small things make a huge difference, if we all take part.  Please share with us any projects you undertake to help our environment or let us know if we can be of help with advice etc.

For more information on how to be Greener in your home click here

Click here for information on how to make your home more more efficient.

Click here to see what can you do in your garden to help our environment.

The 3 R’s.  REDUCE, REUSE,  RECYCLE   for information


Greystones Tidy Towns will be holding an information/2016 launch evening on March 14th to let everyone know our plans and projects for the upcoming year.

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