
Welcome to the official online hub of Greystones Tidy Towns!

In 2022, our community’s efforts were celebrated with the prestigious SuperValu Tidy Towns Gold medal, and we were thrilled to announce that we repeated this achievement in 2023!

What’s more, Greystones has earned global recognition as one of the World’s Most Liveable Communities, not once, but twice – in 2008 and 2021. At Greystones Tidy Towns, our unwavering commitment revolves around preserving the natural biodiversity of our beloved town, championing sustainability, and creating a litter-free environment. Join us in our journey to keep Greystones pristine and sustainable for generations to come.

News & Events

Greystones Youth Street Art Challenge – Our 2024 artists have been chosen!
Greystones Youth Street Art Challenge – Our 2024 artists have been chosen!
National Spring Clean Weekend
This weekend is the last weekend of An Taisce National Spring Clean …
Clean Coasts Roadshow
Thank you so much to the Clean Coasts and Clean Coasts North …
Ireland’s Best Kept Towns Nominee 2024 – Best Kept Large Urban Centre
We are delighted to announce that as a result of our excellent …
Home Energy Improvements Evening
A fantastic turnout for the Home Energy Improvements evening. Many thanks to …

Events Archives

Message from the Committee:

In Greystones Tidy Towns, it is our mission to make Greystones the “most liveable community” not only for humans but for our 4-legged, no-legged, and winged residents.  To achieve this, we have endeavoured for the past number of years to plant only biodiversity-friendly plants and be as inclusive as possible as can be seen from our major projects this year which include….The Sensory Garden, Seating at La Touch Carpark, Native Hedging at ALDI wall, our 1100+ trees at Shoreline and Stumpery.

We have had a big year in Greystones Tidy Towns and have a terrific bunch of volunteers from all corners of the world. Our organisation is a great way to meet people and the post-volunteering cup of coffee is always a great bonding session.

We want to increase the awareness of the Tidy Town initiatives by using this website to keep community members up to date about our activities and hope to grow our membership further. With everyone involved we can make a difference to the local environment and make Greystones the best place to live, work & play for both humans and non-humans.

Greystones Tidy Towns is proud to play its part, along with the many other local organisations which make such a great contribution to the town’s high quality of life. Tidy Towns is a year-round effort on all our parts to keep our town looking it’s best.

We believe in supporting initiatives in climate action, biodiversity, heritage, and environmental education. We are very proud of our Junior Tidy Towns programme that offers support to all of the area primary schools as well as our regular work with secondary schools, including TY projects.

We have also give our support as a community educator and advocate for sustainability, biodiversity, climate action, preservation of local heritage, and “smart cities”. Join us if you want to help make a difference and an impact in this wonderful community.

Video on What We Do

Recent Work:

The Greystones Sensory Garden flagship project is complete! Read more here.

As for everyone else the past year has been quiet difficult to say the least. A big part of Tidy Towns is the social element, meeting up with friends and colleagues, doing the big and small jobs and having a cuppa afterwards. We can only hope that 2021 will be easier all round.

In keeping with the guidelines members have been going about quietly doing litter picks, tidying up beds and maintaining areas close to where they live. We did manage to get a few smaller projects completed during the various easing of restrictions listed below.

The entrance to the Park n’ Ride and raised beds opposite were in need of a make-over. This was done in February, generously sponsored by Greystones Medical Centre.

Below is the list of plants used which are all biodiversity friendly.

A substantial number of trees were planted in local sports clubs to celebrate National Tree Week 2020.

Another project completed was the little “Welcome to Greystones” bed opposite ALDI. This was planted up with Geranium, Schizostylis Lily, Erigeron and Ponytail Grasses.

The splitter island beds at Charlesland Roundabout were given a big tidy-up and new planting installed by the local Greystones Tidy Towns volunteers. Plants included Lavender, Nepeta, Hebe and Ponytail grasses. Over 1,000 Erigeron were planted under the railings at the roundabout.

In March 2021, Greystones Tidy Towns volunteers helped get the Community Garden up and running by laying layers of cardboard as weed suppressants and filling the raised beds with soil and compost.

We are ready to tackle 2021 and recent had a very positive and well-attended AGM on April 8th via Zoom.

The major project for 2021 will be the Sensory Garden. One year later than planned, we are delighted to announce that we have reached our fundraising target of €35,000 thanks to our sponsors, funding partners, and those who supported the iDonate page. Without this support, it would not have been possible. Click https://greystonestidytowns.ie/the-greystones-sensory-garden/ for all information on the Sensory Garden.

Recent Awards:

Winner Gold Medal – Tidy Towns 2022!

A huge THANKS to everyone involved, our volunteers, CE and TUS workers, the Municipal Council, all our sponsors and everyone else in our wonderful community who supported us.

New to Greystones Video…

Drone Greystones Harbour image credit – Rafal Rozalski. Greystones marina panoramic view. (rafalrozalski.com)