The Repair Cafe Strikes Back!

The Repair Cafe Strikes Back!!! Our 1st Repair Cafe went so well that we thought we’d give the people some more! Bring your broken electronic devices and other sad widgets in and see if we can help you fix it! Engage in this satisfying and social Climate Action! Don’t be shy.
We welcome new volunteers and fixers. Please register as a volunteer here.
This is an open opportunity event for all. Please no infants or toddlers at risk around choking hazards. All school age children must be supervised by a guardian. Lego will also be made available for play with kids. Come down from 3pm – 5pm, 24th November at the Charlesland Community Center for complementary biscuits, fresh fruit and hot tea/coffee/cocoa while we work!
A talk with Wicklow Innovates will be held in the same space from 5PM to 6PM. This month the topic is on Co-housing with our speaker Deb Davis.

In honor of International Repair Day on 19 October Greystones TidyTowns is beginning a community effort to support and host Repair Parties also known as Restart Parties. This community supported activity will be conducted in coordination with The Restart Project and the Open Repair Alliance in an effort to get people to waste less and even save some money in the process.

Our first event will be held on Sunday, 20 October, 2019 at the Charlesland Community Center, Charlesland, Greystones, Co. Wicklow from 3pm to 5pm. The event is free of charge. If you are are a fixer and want to help please bring your tool bag. We will be focusing on small electronics and devices but also want to encourage people to learn how to sow and mend their clothing and other fixable items. IF you are not sure if your item can be fixed bring it in and we’ll give your our thoughts.
Please keep in mind that this is a fully volunteer and community lead event and that we cannot guarantee we will fix your item but can perhaps help you find a good alternative to throwing something away or having to purchase a new item.
There is new EU legislation coming down the line to ensure that devices and appliance are designed and manufactured so that they can be repaired. The practice of gluing or welding device casing together is an example of something that cannot be reasonable repaired. Often times such appliance can not be repaired and become waste for otherwise fixable damage.
You can read about it at he European Commission’s article on the topic here.