Absolutely huge thanks to all today’s volunteers who, in addition to our Saturday street clean, braved a damper than expected day to help plant our native trees at Three Trouts Stream
In addition the stream water was tested as part of our ongoing FreshWater Watch checks, litter was picked, and invasive species surveying and removal is ongoing. Many thanks to Wicklow County Council, Greystones Municipal District – Wicklow County Council, the Local Authority Waters Programme, None So Hardy Forestry Ltd. and The Golf Centre for all their support and especially to all our new volunteers, Denise from Newcastle Wicklow Biodiversity Group and the amazing 1st Wicklow 2nd Dublin Scout Group – Greystones, leaders and families for their fantastic work!
The native trees planted are a mix of Goat Willow, Whitethorn, Hazel, Spindle, Holly, Blackthorn, and Guelder Rose.