The Biodiversity Ireland Farmers’ Wildlife Calendar has kicked off again 2024!
“The Farmers’ Wildlife Calendar aims to record 9 key annual events on Irish farms to see how they are being affected by climate change.
Farmers used to use a rhyme to predict the summer weather:
If the Ash comes out before the Oak,
There’ll be a summer soak.
If the Oak comes out before the Ash,
There’ll be a summer splash.
You don’t need to be a farmer to take part in the recording initiative and we are delighted to get records from across Ireland from anyone. Similar to the old rhyme, we need the very first occurrence of these seasonal events. You can choose as many or as few species to record.”
The 9 occurrences to record for this citizen science activity are;
– Primrose Flowering
– Frog Spawn
– Marsh Marigold Flowering
– Blackthorn Flowering
– Barn Swallow
– Grey Mining Bee
– Orange Tip Butterfly
– Common Cuckoo
– Large Red Damsel Fly
More information, ID sheets and recording form for the Farmers’ Wildlife Calendar Climate Tracker can be found here:…/farmers-wildlife…/
And you can record your sightings here;…
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