We’ve been keeping busy at the Burnaby Park. We’ve weeded a massive stretch of the flower beds and topped them off with over 15 tons of bark mulch to retain moisture on dry days and to allow our still young plantings to thrive.
The newest addition to the park is our Stumpery. After clearing out a large section of overgrowth along the south perimeter with the bowls club we have planted and installed logs and stumps with a lovely array of perennials and native rowen to make this shady and previously untidy section of the garden a work of magic!
We are still enjoying the new sensory garden at the very southern end of the park. It was a major undertaking to design, fundraise, and build over the course of COVID-19. It is even more fantastic than we ever imagined. Thank you to your volunteers, supporters, sponsor, and partner in the council and community for making this important public space so special. Be sure to bring your chess pieces the next time you visit to enjoy the new chess tables installed by the district council!